Overcoming Food Struggles Through Jesus

The lessons found in this section are meant to help individuals find deliverance from food struggles by learning to rely on Jesus in their everyday lives. Jesus is our strength, and we need to learn to lean on Him in everything that we do in order to find success. These lessons, I hope, will also motivate individuals, young and old, to eat a diet full of the nutritious whole foods that God created for us to eat. Refined and processed foods are wreaking havoc on our society and it is time we take back our health and start eating foods in their whole form the way God intended for them to be eaten.

Let’s start focusing on what Jesus would eat versus eating what advertisers, big corporations, or even the government tells us we should be eating. As believers, let’s start putting God’s Word ahead of our cravings. God’s Word says that our bodies are “a temple of the Holy Spirit” who lives in us and was given to us by God (1 Corinthians 6:19). Let’s treat our bodies with the love, joy, kindness, and goodness that we already have living on the inside of us (Galatians 5:22-23).
