What is Truth

What is truth?  This was the question asked by Pontius Pilate to Jesus in John 18:38.  In our current society truth is something that many are seeking. We are seeking the truth from our political leaders, from news media, social media, and other internet sites and we place our trust in what they consider to be truth. From this perspective, truth is relative. There is a source of absolute truth in this world that we can put all of our trust and faith in and that source is God. In Numbers 23:19 it says, “God is not man that he should lie, or a son of man that he should change his mind.”  God is our source of truth because He cannot lie, unlike mankind.  The Bible tells us that God is truth and that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.  Jesus is the Word made flesh, full of grace and truth. The only way we can know the real truth is by abiding in the Word, and as we abide in the Word, Jesus tells us that we will know the truth and the truth will set us free (John 8:32).  

Jesus gave us one command, to love one another as He has loved us (John 15:12).  Jesus loved us, and continues to love us, with a love that is unconditional and compassionate.  Jesus loves us with a love that is patient, kind, one that is not boastful or selfish, and with a love that is not provoked and keeps no record of wrongs.  So when searching for truth, test your source.  Is your source showing (and I do mean by action, not by words alone) a compassionate, kind, patient, selfless love for ALL? If you can truly answer in the affirmative, then I would not argue that your source is being led by the Spirit who leads us into all the truth.  However, in your search for truth, if what you are reading or hearing leaves you feeling provoked, or with feelings of anger or unkindness toward another person or group of people, then you are not being led in the truth.  That is deception disguising itself as truth.  God is not man that He should lie.  When searching for the truth, test what you are hearing or reading with the Word of God.   As we abide in the Word, our minds will perceive the mind of the Spirit which will lead us into all the truth.  

If you are searching for the truth mainly by reading/watching mainstream media or other sources then there is a high probability that there is a deceptive spirit working in your mind that’s causing you to believe that what you are seeing/hearing is the truth. Be set free from the deception and seek truth from the only source that cannot lie, the Word of God.  
