“What is that in your hand?”

In Exodus 3 Moses has an encounter with the Lord in the burning bush. During this encounter God told Moses that He had seen the misery the Israelites were enduring under the rule of the Egyptians; he had heard their cry and had come to deliver them out of the hands of the Egyptians (Exodus 3:8).  God told Moses that He was sending him to Pharaoh to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses responded in Exodus 3:11 by saying to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” Moses had the same response that many of us would have had, and do have, when called by God to do something that is bigger than what we believe we can do.  God does not call us to do something on our own though; He will provide what we need. When Moses questioned his authority with both the Israelites and Pharaoh, God asked him, “What is that in your hand?” (Exodus 4:2).

Moses didn’t fully trust that anyone would believe what God was commanding him to say.  In response, God gave Moses something with which he could demonstrate the truth of his words.  In Moses’ hand was a staff (a rod) and God would use this staff, in the hands of Moses, as the instrument with which He would perform signs and wonders (Exodus 4:17). Moses was told to take the staff of God in his hand and to perform before Pharaoh all of the wonders God had given him the power to carry out (Exodus 4:20-21).  These signs were God’s signature. The signs Moses performed officially declared that he was carrying out God’s commands.

Like Moses, we are called to do God’s work, and God has given us an instrument with which we can also perform signs and wonders, it is the Bible – the Word of God.  To do this though, we have to believe in the power of God through the instrument that God has given us. For Moses that instrument was the staff, but for us it is the Bible (the Word of God).  Moses used the staff of God to carry out God’s plan for the Israelites. God is asking us to do the same thing. God is asking us (sometimes even commanding us) to use His Word, to put our trust in His Word, and to build our faith by His Word so that we can carry out His plans.  God has given us power through His Word, and with the Word of God in our hands, everything we put our hands to will prosper. God has called us who believe to do great works, but we need God’s instrument in our hands to be successful.

Meditate on Scripture: Psalm 107:20 (ESV) – He sent out his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction.

The Truth in Action:  The staff was the instrument through which God gave Moses His power and authority.  The Word is the instrument through which God has given us His power and authority. Ask yourself what is in your hand today?  Are you putting your faith in God’s Word? Are you activating your faith by believing in the promises that God has given to you in His Word?  Put the Word of God in your hand today and allow it to bless you.

Further Study:  Read and meditate on the power of God’s spoken words in Genesis 1. Compare this to John 1:1-14.  What can be learned from this comparison?
