Think What You Believe

We may not give much thought to what we think about on a daily basis. Our minds typically go from one thing to another without much effort on our part.  What we think though often determines what we say, how we act, and can impact our reality in a positive or negative way.  What we think about in our mind is an important component of our relationship with God because what we think about ultimately determines what we believe.  This is the question God asked me this morning: do you think what you believe or do you believe what you think?

There is a difference between thinking what you believe and believing what you think.  Proverbs 23:7 tells us that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. This Scripture is saying that what we think plays a part in who we are.  For example, if in my mind I think I am strong in the Lord and in His mighty power (Ephesians 6:10), then I am thinking what I believe and I will manifest that belief.  On the other hand, if in my mind I think I will never be able to do something, like learn another language for example, then that’s the result I will get. I am choosing to believe what my mind is telling me and in this example it is telling me that I can never learn another language.  

The self-talk we have in our head comes down to what is controlling our mind: our spirit, our own conscience, or the enemy.  When we allow our spirit to control what we think by centering our mind on the Word of God, then that’s what will be implanted in our heart.  As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. We will then see God’s promises come to fruition because we are focused on what we believe in our heart (the Word of God).  On the contrary, if we are focused on our own emotions, how we feel, or what the enemy tries to make us believe with his subtle lies, then we are choosing to believe what we think and will not see God’s promises manifest.  We will always be able to manifest the negative, that’s just the reality of living in a fallen world, but in order to manifest God’s promises we have to purposefully think what we believe. This is why meditating on Scripture is so important; it’s simply thinking on the Word of God.

The apostle Paul knew this truth and says in Philippians 4:8, “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”  We have to think on the Word of God to believe it in our heart. And when we think on what we believe, we will see it. This is God’s promise (Mark 11:23).

The Truth in Action:  If you are not already choosing to consistently think on what you believe, choose a day and purposefully think on what you believe in the Word of God for the entire day.  Find verses that speak to you and meditate on those throughout the day. Think positively about the circumstances and situations in which you find yourself. Journal the results.  What did you notice about yourself this day? Did you see any of God’s promises manifest? Most of the time it takes longer than one day, but this is a starting point. God will reward your attempts.  

Meditate on Scripture: Psalm 15:2 and 15:5 – He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart; …He who does these things shall never be moved.
