Teaching the Truth to Kids and Teens

The lessons in this section are for anyone who wants to help kids/teens develop their own personal relationship with God through knowledge and understanding of His Word.  The goal here is for kids to know God, not just know about Him. Youth ministry programs today do an amazing job teaching kids the main characters and themes of the Bible, but the problem with this is that our youths are growing up with the belief that the Bible is a collection of stories that happened a long time ago and that the Bible does not apply to their lives today.  The purpose of these lessons is to teach kids/teens that the Word of God is truth and that it is just as relevant today as it was in biblical times. We need to teach kids/teens how to apply God’s Word to their everyday lives. I believe that this approach will build a generation of believers who walk by the Spirit and who go forth in the world demonstrating God’s power.  

This is an active learning process for kids and adults alike and both can benefit from completing these lessons together.  While the lessons may be more appropriate for older kids who can grasp the concepts more readily (perhaps age 10 and up), I teach these lessons to my own kids (ages 4-7) with a little tweaking.  What is most important is that we are teaching our kids to look to God and to His Word in every situation.

Update: Because of Covid-19 I have been homeschooling my three children and have not had the time to update this page. I have many lessons to add here that I have been teaching to my own kids during this season. However, these lessons likely won’t get added until summer vacation when more free time opens up.
