Sow a Seed in Your Heart

The parable of the sower found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke is one of the most important parables Jesus taught us.  In fact, Jesus Himself said that if we do not understand this parable we would not be able to understand any of His parables (Mark 4:13).  This parable is our foundation on which we can build our knowledge of God and His Word. If you have not yet read the parable of the sower, you can do so now by following this link ( The Parable of the Sower – read Mark 4:1-20).  

In Mark 4:1-9 Jesus explains four different types of soil into which the sower sows seed.  In this parable, we are the sower and the seed is the Word of God. Jesus is teaching us in this parable that we take the seed, which is the Word of God, and we plant it in our hearts.  The seed then, over time, is supposed to grow, developing deep roots that will eventually allow it to produce a crop for harvest. However, if we do not plant the seed in the right soil then it will not produce a harvest.  In other words, if our hearts are not in the right condition to receive the Word of God, then it will not take root. The soil has to be “good soil” (Mark 4:8) in order for the seed to produce an abundant harvest of thirty, sixty, or even a hundredfold what was sown (Mark 4:8).

There is so much that Jesus was teaching us in this parable.  It is important to understand that a significant factor in producing a harvest is the type of soil into which the seed is planted.  The heart has to be open to receiving the Word of God, the Word then must get established and take root in the heart, and then over time one will see a harvest.  Jesus tells us though that there are many things that will keep the Word from taking root: Satan will come and steal the Word away (Mark 4:15), trials and persecution on account of the Word will cause people to fall away (Mark 4:16), and the Word will be choked by the cares of this world and the desires for other things (Mark 4:17).  Only in good soil, only in a heart that is receptive to understanding the Word of God, will an abundant harvest be gained.  

In order to sow a seed we have to know the Word of God and the promises God gives us in His Word.  We then take that Word and plant it in our hearts. We continue to nurture the Word we planted by meditating on it day and night and allowing it to grow deep roots.  These deep roots will then be what holds the Word in place in our hearts when Satan tries to steal it, or when the cares of this world try to take it away. When these roots are deep, we will get to a place where God’s Word feels more real to us than our physical feelings.  This is faith, and this is when the Word starts producing a harvest in the form of physical manifestations (we can expect a harvest of 30, 60, or even 100 times what was sown).

Jesus was teaching us that through this process we can physically manifest any of God’s promises.  It doesn’t happen overnight though and the key is to allow the Word to get rooted and established, and this takes time. Too often we hear a Word about what God has promised us (healing, prosperity, love, joy) and we take it and run with it, but when we don’t see that Word immediately produce what we expected, we give up.  We live in a world where we get things instantaneously, and when we don’t see God working in this same way, we throw in the towel. God doesn’t work the way we do though (Isaiah 55:8), and His words are truths that will always work! God has established a system of seed, time, and harvest and we need to understand this process. We have to allow the Word time to develop roots in our hearts before it can produce a harvest.  The Word must be all that we see in order to see the fruit manifest in our everyday lives.    

The Truth in Action: The Word of God must take root inside of your heart for that Word to bear fruit.  Don’t be a short-term believer. Allow the Word to take root; meditate on it until it truly sinks into your heart.  Allow the seed to grow inside of you first. It has to first produce roots before it produces fruit. Growing a good root system is really key to producing a bountiful harvest.  The Word of God has to be so rooted on the inside of you that when Satan throws trials and hardships your way that you can stand firm on God’s Word. Don’t be shallow, grow deep in the Word.

Meditate on Scripture: Isaiah 55:11 (HCSB) – “So My word that comes from My mouth will not return to Me empty, but it will accomplish what I please and will prosper in what I send it to do.”

Further Study: After teaching the parable of the sower, Jesus taught the parable of the growing seed found in Mark 4:26-29.  Read this parable. Jesus is teaching a kingdom principle in this parable. What is it that Jesus is teaching us?  How does this parable directly tie to the parable of the sower?  
