Sit at Jesus’ Feet

Each day many of us keep a mental list of all that we need to get done and we prioritize these tasks as we go about our day.  However, there is really only one thing that is needed each day and this should always be our first priority. Our priority each day should be to focus our attention on Jesus.  When we focus our attention on Jesus and when we sit at His feet, we are choosing that which cannot be taken away from us. The benefits of sitting at Jesus’ feet and making Him our focus and priority are best illustrated in Luke 10 in the story of the sisters Mary and Martha. 

Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house.  And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?  Therefore tell her to help me.” And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38-42 NKJV          

These verses explain that Jesus was welcomed into the home of Martha (the sister of Lazarus whom Jesus would raise from the dead) who at one point was sitting at Jesus’ feet listening to Him teach along with her sister Mary (Luke 10:39).  However, Martha got distracted with serving Jesus and the guests in her home and was upset that Mary had left her alone to serve so she could sit at Jesus’ feet and hear His words. As Martha continued to serve, she became more upset and envious of her sister Mary, who was not helping.  Martha came to Jesus with her complaint, expecting that Jesus would tell Mary to help her. However, Jesus told Martha that Mary had made the better choice by remaining at His feet and listening to His words. 

Martha had good intentions in her effort to serve Jesus and her other guests.  She wasn’t wrong in her willingness to serve, however she allowed this to become her focus, taking her attention off of Jesus.  This caused her to miss an important opportunity to really hear the words Jesus was teaching to her household. She may have been listening while she was going about doing what she believed needed to be done, but those words were not received because she was “worried and troubled.”  The same holds true for us today. If we allow the cares of this world to shift our focus from Jesus to our problems, or if we become distracted by doing good things and focus on that instead of Jesus, then God’s Word will not be effective in our lives. On the other hand, if we keep our attention focused on Jesus and if we make it a priority to sit at His feet and receive His Word, we will find rest, peace, and joy as our soul prospers through the Word of God.  

Mary’s choice of sitting at Jesus’ feet and focusing her attention on His words was beneficial to her in many ways.  First, while her sister was “worried and troubled,” Mary was receiving peace through her focus on Jesus. Also, Jesus said that Mary had chosen the good part, which could not be taken away from her.  She chose to sit and listen to God’s Word; she chose to make Jesus her priority, and because of this she was able to receive the Word of God in her heart, and that could not be taken away from her. Worry, troubles, and anxiety will steal the Word from us if we allow these things to be our focus.  However, when we make Jesus the true Lord of our lives by making His Word our priority, then we will see ourselves bearing fruit.  

The Truth in Action:  Most of the time believers are able to recognize the imbalance we create when we focus our attention on our problems over the Word of God.  We sense this imbalance because it steals our joy and peace. However, it is less easy to recognize when we have prioritized doing good things, like serving others, over our focus on Jesus and His words.  When we are occupied with doing good things, we may still feel the loss of joy and peace, but we might disregard this because we feel we are doing good. Jesus says that only one thing is needed and this is choosing to sit at His feet and hear His words.  This brings peace and rest, but this focus also allows God’s Word to be received in our hearts.

Meditate on Scripture:  Matthew 6:33 “ But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”).  

Further Study: Read Matthew 6:25-34.  Here Jesus is explaining the cure for anxiety and worry (seek first the kingdom of God).


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