Putting God First in Our Lives

As Christians we know that we are supposed to put God first in our lives.  If asked to list our priorities, most Christians would say that God is our first priority followed by family and then work.  However, if we take a closer look at our schedules and our daily routines, too often God does not even appear. Why? I believe this is because many Christians are walking through life in their own strength instead of leaning on God and His strength.  As Christians, we have an amazing Helper who wants to hold our hand through all that we do, who wants us to consult Him in every decision that we make, and who promises us that He will work all things together for our good. However, God is a gentleman and He will not impose His will on us.  He allows us to make a choice each day as to how much room we give Him to work in our lives.

I have chosen to put God first each day, to thank Him for all that I am and for all that I have.  This has not always been the case, but I have realized that truly apart from God I can do nothing.  What a freeing feeling it is to know that I can allow God to move in all that I do. I can lay my burdens, my worries, and my negative emotions down at His feet and replace those with His love, joy, and peace.  While my life is certainly not without its fair share of stress, I have chosen not to focus on the stress and instead I focus my attention on God and what the Word of God tells me. This has indeed been a truth that has set me free!    

In John 15:5 Jesus says, “I am the vine, you are the branches.  He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”  I am asking you today to allow the Word of God to sink into your heart and to truly believe that without God you can do nothing.  Allow God to take his rightful place in your life. Make Him your priority! Think about all of the decisions that you make each day and all of your everyday activities, and now ask yourself how different your life might look if you trusted God with all of those.

Take Action – Make the conscious decision to put God first in your life this week.  Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in all that you do every day. I honestly believe that oftentimes we don’t even think to ask God to strengthen us in our daily routines/tasks.  But I guarantee that if you do, you will be doing those tasks with more joy and grace.

Meditate on Scripture – Matthew 6:33 (NKJV) – “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”   

Further Study – One way to put God first is by spending time in His Word each day.  Read the book of Daniel while you are making the conscious effort to put God first.  Daniel was a man who put God first in all that He did. He prayed in every situation, despite his circumstances, and He was greatly rewarded by God.       
