About Me

Suzannah Fernandez – Creator/Author of Teaching the Truth

After sixteen years as a middle and high school history teacher, I left my teaching job to stay at home with my three young children because I felt led by God to do so.  Little did I know then that God was going to use me to teach in a completely different capacity.  I now know that I am called to teach God’s Word, the truth, to the world and to empower lives through His Word.

If one were to look back at my history with God, I wasn’t a likely candidate for this job.  As a teenager I attended church with family friends and I sometimes read the Bible, but I didn’t have a personal relationship with God.  After graduating from college I drifted away from God, and in my twenties I got to the point where I was living my life in my own strength.  I didn’t even know if I believed in God anymore, and I can remember having several conversations with believers where I was arguing against God’s existence.  At that point in my life, I believed that I was successful because of my own efforts. I believed that it was a weakness to put faith in God.  I questioned the existence of God because I lived in the reality of a fallen world.  

As time went by though, I felt a persistent nagging in my gut to question my purpose in life and even to question the purpose of life.  In my thirties, despite the fact that I had a good job which I enjoyed and had a good life with my husband and three children, I continually felt an emptiness in my life.  I knew that something was missing, but I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was.  I knew that there had to be more to life than what I was experiencing, and as I questioned my purpose in life I was drawn to learn more about God and His nature.  

I started asking questions to my Christian co-worker (who I now consider one of my best friends) and she said something to me that made me want to know more about God’s nature.  She told me to keep asking questions about God because He was pursuing me. He wanted me to know Him.  What did she mean that God was pursuing me; who am I that God would pursue me?  But God was calling me to Him, just as He calls us all.  He wants us to know His abounding love, grace, and mercy.  He was calling me (like He had so many times before) and my heart was finally in a place where I was willing to listen.

God placed a desire in me to learn more about Him, so I began reading the Bible and other books about God.  In this process of learning about God my faith increased (faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God – Romans 10:17). God gave me a revelation of His love for me and of His love for His children and this was something that I could not deny.

Understanding God’s true nature, understanding the love He has given us through His Son, and understanding God’s will for my life has truly given me a peace and a joy that I want to share with the world.  God has taught me so much about Himself these last few years; I had so many misconceptions. I truly feel like God’s truth has set me free and it is my heart’s desire to share the truth I have found in God’s Word with others. That is the purpose of this site.  

My prayer is that all who read the teachings that I post on this site will gain a revelation of God’s love.  I pray that these teachings will help everyone who reads them draw closer to our heavenly Father by helping them to understand His Word, which ultimately is His will for our lives.  To God be all the glory.   

