Teaching The Truth: Empowering Lives Through the Word of God

Welcome to Teaching the Truth.

To know God is to know true satisfaction in life.  The lessons on Teaching the Truth provide readers with biblical truths that they can apply to their everyday lives in order to live an abundant life.  These lessons will help readers build a deeper understanding of their good Father and build a more intimate relationship with Him. 

Lessons on this site come solely from God’s Word, the Bible, which is our instruction manual to life.  The words found in the Bible are not mere words, but are the heart of our loving Father.  The lessons found on Teaching the Truth will help readers see the Bible as truths that they can (and should) apply to their everyday lives.

God’s Word is alive and active, and it contains spiritual truths on which we can firmly stand.  Putting trust in God and in the power of His Word is life changing.  As believers in Christ we are called to not conform to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). The only way we can renew our minds is through the Word of God.  We have to know it, understand it, and apply it to our everyday lives.  It is crucial for believers to understand the power and authority that we have through the Word of God so we can positively shape the culture in which we live.

Be Empowered Through the Word of God!

There are four different categories of lessons on this site:

Bible Lessons for Our Everyday Lives: Short Bible studies that contain action steps to help individuals apply the biblical truths taught to their everyday lives.

Lessons from the Gospels: Lessons focusing on the teachings of Jesus found in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.  These lessons also include action steps to show how we can apply Jesus’ teachings to our lives.

Teaching the Truth to Kids and Teens: Bible lessons to teach kids and teens their identity in Christ.  These lessons focus on teaching kids that the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but that it is God’s will for our lives.   

Overcoming Food Struggles Through Jesus:  So many people struggle with food and these lessons will help individuals overcome these struggles by helping them realize that food addiction is not a food issue but a God issue.  Food is important, but Jesus is necessary! 

“If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:31-32

This site was created out of a sincere desire to walk in the truth of God’s Word in my everyday life and to share what God has taught me in my pursuit of Him. It has been my desire to take what I am learning from God’s Word and apply it in a practical way to my everyday life and to share what God is teaching me. I have learned to walk in truth by knowing God, and I have learned to know God by knowing – truly experiencing – His love.

The purpose of this site is to help Christians truly understand God’s Word and through this understanding help individuals apply the Word to situations and circumstances they face in their everyday lives. God knows all and He has already made provision for every circumstance we will face in life.  It is our job to look to Him to guide us through our circumstances and to work all things together for our good.  God asks us only to believe!  We have to believe that we have exactly what He has said we have in His Word.  He made the provision before the foundation of the world, but we need to learn to receive this provision. We will only receive by walking in truth and in love and taking it all by faith. I pray that everyone reading the lessons on this site will gain the revelation they were seeking. It is finished.


Suzannah Fernandez
